According to the Wall Street Journal, energy healers are the new home repair pros - who knew?!!

It was refreshing to read a recent article in the Wall Street Journal about energy healers as professionals who are being sought to “repair” energies in homes and for me, businesses. 

I’ve been successfully working with energies for a very long time. Over the years, I’ve developed my own system using many ancient methods along with my intuition and psychic information. 

One of my first experiences was quite profound and unexpected. While working energetically with a private client, I psychically heard that her home and property were in need of deep cleansing. I told her what I heard and she immediately said “will you do it?” I said sure. I had never been to her house and knew nothing about it and wanted it that way. I continued to receive information about what was needed including that it needed to be started on the next new moon day. I gathered the things I was guided to bring and went to her house. It is a large, historic house surrounded by an impressive iron fence. I noticed the fence had sharp pointed spikes all around the top. I went in the gate and sat down right there and began my process. 

I followed the guidance that I was given without question. After I finished outside, I was told to go upstairs and I entered a ballroom with many portraits on the walls. The energy was thick in this room. I again followed the unending guidance on what was needed. I spoke briefly with my client and left. This was the first phase of the clearing. I was to come back on the next full moon and continue. 

I later discovered this house had been owned by slave traders.

What happened after this first experience was remarkable and undeniable. My client literally found a rock with a message written on it inside the gate. The message was significant for her and really got her attention. Then she found herself having deeply healing conversations with a very important person in her life. These kinds of shifts continued to happen throughout the 4 month process of clearing the property and the buildings on it. It also led to the much needed renovation of these historic buildings. 

After doing work like this, I schedule an energetic cleansing for myself with one of my colleagues. I have found this particularly helpful and important. We have a distance session that always results in a lighter, clearer energy on all levels. This session was astounding and especially wonderful. I was aware of a long line of people who had in one way or another had a connection with this property. They were so grateful for being acknowledged. And finally free to move on. It was amazing. I then experienced a profound state of bliss that cannot be described further. It was clear this was important work for many souls. I felt very honored to be a part of it. 

I have also worked with one of my clients to shift the energies in his place of business. This was also an amazing experience and there is not doubt, the energies shifted in a positive way. I enjoy this work and would be happy to consult with you if things just feel off in your home or business or anywhere else.

Here’s the link to the article.


Perfect Timing