Becoming Ganga Blog

Suzanne Goldston Suzanne Goldston

Ready for a Reboot? This Week’s Super Moon and Cosmic Trio Might Just Do the Trick

Ever feel like you’re in desperate need of a cosmic reset button? Well, the universe might be handing you one this week. With a Super Full Moon lighting up the sky and a rare planetary trio—known as a Grand Trine—coming into alignment, it’s like the cosmos is giving us all a nudge (or maybe a shove) to shake things up. You don’t have to be an astrology buff to benefit from this kind of celestial cocktail; it’s about tuning into the vibe and using it to clear out the mental and emotional clutter.

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Suzanne Goldston Suzanne Goldston

Reflections During the Lions Gate Portal: The Dance of Memory & Karma

Last weekend, I spent hours going through old boxes of pictures. It was a long walk down memory lane, a profound and cathartic experience. As I sifted through the snapshots of my past, I couldn't help but reflect on how these memories—much like karma—shape and influence our lives. This journey has been both revealing and exquisite, subtly guided by the powerful energies of the Lions Gate portal.

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