Becoming Ganga Blog

Suzanne Goldston Suzanne Goldston

Ready for a Reboot? This Week’s Super Moon and Cosmic Trio Might Just Do the Trick

Ever feel like you’re in desperate need of a cosmic reset button? Well, the universe might be handing you one this week. With a Super Full Moon lighting up the sky and a rare planetary trio—known as a Grand Trine—coming into alignment, it’s like the cosmos is giving us all a nudge (or maybe a shove) to shake things up. You don’t have to be an astrology buff to benefit from this kind of celestial cocktail; it’s about tuning into the vibe and using it to clear out the mental and emotional clutter.

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Letting Go: Embracing Life’s Magic

Life’s a wild ride, isn’t it? The magic happens when you let go of all those rigid expectations and just roll with what comes your way. I’m talking about deep, earth-shattering change—the kind that hits you so hard you can’t help but notice. Every day, I’m blown away by the incredible opportunities life throws at me. Sure, seeing the magic is a choice, but why wouldn’t you choose it? If you’re ready to level up your life, start paying attention.

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