Using Crystals For Evolution

Crystals, stones and rocks are one of my favorite tools for growth and expansion. I truly have fun using them. I know for some it might seem like an odd thing to use but I’ve had some undeniable experiences using crystals, rocks, stones and fossils! Just this past weekend, I decided to wear a pair of faceted quartz earrings from a famous mine in Brazil that I got at a gem show in NC a few years ago. Brazil is well known for its quartz deposits along with Morocco and Arkansas. Anyway, I put on these earrings and immediately felt a surge of energy in my ears that turned into pulsing and at times, a deep ringing, itching and buzzing! And this went on for about an hour! Coincidence? No way. I’ve always had the ability to hear things from my guides and I’m very intuitive. I was told after Mark’s death that what and how I was channeling information was going to be upgraded. Since hearing is a big part of the way I channel it seemed more than reasonable that some kind of upgrade was in progress.  So I relaxed into it, closed my eyes and focused on my breath. This seemed to help integrate whatever was happening. I have an eclectic way of wearing earrings and the reason I decided to wear these quartz was that I wanted to enhance the energy of a cavansite earring I had just gotten from Japan. I have a cavansite in a succulent garden in front of  my studio  that has literally been growing and when I checked in about that I was told that I should use the cavansite to support my channeling. Quartz is an amplifier so my intention was to increase the energy of the cavansite I was already wearing. And boy did it work! Believe it or not, it's possible to be that tuned in to the vibration of what you're wearing! It’s actually great fun! And you can customize it to suit whatever purpose you may have. If you’re interested we can collaborate and you can have the same kind of fun I’m having! 

We are all learning to navigate in a new world with new rules, new understandings, and new ways of doing things. And we may not like it one bit. We need new skills and a new kind of support to integrate the changes that are happening. Just like your computer software needs to be upgraded, so do many parts of our world and how we do and see things. Humans also need an upgrade and for many, it will take fear, drama, chaos and trauma to get their attention and help them see what needs to change in their lives. They will either choose to change and accept the upgrade or they will resist and remain in the old energies and ways of doing and seeing things. 

My skills have been put to the test this year for sure and to be honest, I have impressed myself!! I feel extremely good about where I am, in such a short time after my boyfriend’s traumatic death.  I have managed to turn it into a way to better support others and carry on the love he had for his fellow man. A few of the key reasons I've been able to do that are my understanding of my existence, my yoga training and knowledge, and my energy management skills and practices. But I truly feel like I’ve been preparing for these times for many years. I know I’m not the only one to have huge swings in plans, relationships, energy, awareness, purpose, vision, and more. And as I have completed some important cycles in my life and for my ancestors, I’ve upgraded what I have to offer in support of others and the fantastic journeys we signed up for! 

One way I describe what I do is health and wellness consultant so my skill set and services are front and center right now. Finally people are being forced to take a look at their overall health. It’s sad that fear of a virus has been the reason why, but progress is progress. I know I have skills and knowledge that support the raising of the consciousness of humanity. 

And that is the purpose of these blogs.

Me and quartz from Brazil have a bit of a history. Several years ago I helped a good friend add some crystal inventory to the metaphysical store in her business. We decided I should go to a big gem show to make some purchases. That was when I first met a vendor who carried some very powerful jewelry from Brazil. We had a great conversation and I bought a quartz pendant on his recommendation. He told me to come back in a few hours so he could take an aura photo and show me the beautiful effect wearing the pendant would have on my energy field. Literally as soon as I put the pendant on, my nose and eyes started running. Obviously some kind of clearing was taking place. One of the things quartz is known for is helping to create clarity. So whatever needed to clear out of head was being cleared. It was instantaneous. Pretty cool right? I also have a quartz ring from the same mine in brazil and every time I wear it people ask me about it. So what’s the deal? What does it all mean?

Without getting too scientific on you even though there is lots of science to explain what is happening, simply put I am coming into resonance with the vibration and frequency of the stone. Everything is vibrating. This is a scientific fact. And as you become more sensitive to energy, you naturally become more aware of the vibration of things. There’s even a song called Good Vibrations! We are naturally attracted to things that are vibrating in a certain range that feels light and easy. We could say they are high vibrations. By the same token we have all experienced a situation where the energy was off or heavy and we may have described it as a bad vibe. I'm not suggesting we should be labeling things this way so don’t misunderstand. I’m really just using this example to demonstrate how we experience vibration and frequency. I pay close attention to dualities like good and bad, right and wrong, high and low and those kinds of energies that separate us. I don’t find them to be helpful but certainly we can feel the difference between one end of the spectrum and the other that these good bad labels represent. 

I have an extensive collection of stones and I love using them in my work supporting others. Think about what is involved in the creation of stones and crystals! Some crystals were formed over literally millions of years. Imagine the energy that has been building, not just from the processes that create crystals but also from the sheer number of years they have been growing. So for me it’s not a stretch at all to think of them as evolutionary tools because that is precisely what they are. Another thing to think about is that jewels, which is a fancy word for crystals and stones, can be found on almost all sacred books and objects. Yes, they are a beautiful way to adorn something but they are also powerful and represent certain energies that were associated with the sacred nature of the books or items.

I’ve always been attracted to the unique and beautiful ways crystals express themselves. But it took awhile for me to really feel them. One of the first stones I ever felt was one called Moldavite. This stone is only found in one place and one theory of its origin is that it is the result of a meteorite hitting the earth! It looks kind of like green glass. You could say, this stone is from outer space!! You can’t tell me that’s not really cool and interesting! It is an expensive stone but as I held it, I could feel heat and I could feel it buzzing. And that’s not the only experience I’ve had with moldavite!!

As my journey into the fabulous world of stones continued, I began working with a deck of cards called the Crystal Ally Cards. Mostly I just had fun with them but occasionally I used them for various kinds of readings and insights. I decided it was important to have each stone that was represented in the deck and set out to collect them all. Some of them couldn’t be found locally at my favorite crystal store where they knew me well so I researched gem shows in my area. I found one not too far away put on by the local gemology society. I had decided I would buy a moldavite pendant if they had a nice one while I was there. I had read about wearing moldavite and it suggested that the first time you wore it it should be for only a short period of time but i didn’t think it would impact me that much. So after exploring a wide range of stones for many hours and purchasing over $700 in various kinds, I bought and put on an exquisite piece of moldavite and got back in my car to make the 4 hour drive home. I was enjoying the ride and still holding various crystals that I bought. At one point, I felt a huge flow of energy and a big release. The next thing I was aware of was that I had driven almost 90 miles and had no recollection of it. I promptly took off the moldavite pendant and put down all the stones. Whew. How did that happen? Everything was fine but I had been in some kind of time warp for the last 90 minutes. That really got my attention. And I began to respect the crystals and work with them in a different way. 

Next, I decided to sign up for a six month certification course called becoming the human crystal. The facilitator was also the co-author of a reference book called the book of stones that I frequently consulted for insights about the properties of the stones I was using at any given time. This was an intense class with a good amount of experiential learning and homework. And by the end of the 6 months I had a whole new understanding of how to use crystals more purposefully in my work supporting others. It was a very transformative experience and part of my dark night of the soul experience I will talk about in another show so please stay tuned. All this to say that crystals and stones can be used in a wide range of ways for a wide range of purposes. What I tell people is that the crystals often choose you! Whatever you are attracted to is often what will support you the most at that time so don’t overthink it or use them prescriptively. In other words don’t choose your stones by what someone else said about their experience with the same stone or what it is supposed to be used for.. Your experience could be completely different. Think of them as friends here to support you in whatever way is needed at any given time. I have more crystal stories I’ll share later and would love to share some of the ways I use them to transform or hold the energy in the environment or of a goal. 


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