Renewal and Balance Through Ritual

This 7 day course will demystify the concept of rituals and employing the power of purposeful ceremony. This unlocks the door of opportunity for renewal, consistency and attention within our own lives.

Linking the elements with a daily ritual is a powerful way to acknowledge what makes up the life we see and are. This expression of the connection, reverence and devotion we have for all life can only be experienced. No words can describe it.

Most of us have heard about the 5 elements. Earth, water, fire, air and space or akasha. Everything you see around you and you are made of the same things. But what does this mean for you? Simply put, the well being of the body and mind is intimately connected to and positively impacted by conscious connection and acknowledgment of these elements. We need more things that are simple.

This ritual creates a conscious connection between you and these elements. With that, the physical body, mind, and energy system experience increased balance and harmony. We don’t believe it has to be hard to produce results. In fact, simple is where it’s at. Simple, intentional and consistent. Those are the keys in accessing what is available to everyone.

What is the Elemental Ritual Course ?

We start our journey with an orientation during which you will asked to gather a few things before starting the rest of your experience.

Then information and experience will be shared about each of the 5 elements. This will include interactive, easy rituals using the ingredients you have gathered combined with other processes.

Finally, we will create a purposeful, easy, short ceremony that enhances our awareness and attunement to life itself.

Expand your horizons beyond just daily requirements


Click the button below and your journey begins. Just follow the prompts to the course information.

The quality of your life essentially depends upon how the 5 elements are functioning within you.

Rituals provide the perfect opportunity to further enhance that quality of life.