Shamans help us heal.



Shamanism is, in essence, a spiritual practice, a way of living in harmony with the natural world. It acknowledges the unseen realms or spirit realm and cultivates access to those dimensions. The health and balance of the community depends on the health and balance of the individuals in that community. Shamans are medicine people, men and women, who are often turned to when more conventional methods of healing have proved unsuccessful.

Altered states of consciousness are one of the tools used by shamans to access information that will bring about whatever healing is needed including the healing of the earth itself. The relationship the shaman has with the earth is reverent, honoring and respectful and they see themselves as stewards of Gaia.

Shamanism can take on different forms in different cultures.

Many shamanic traditions are closely tied to nature and are rooted in animistic beliefs, where everything in the natural world has a spirit or consciousness.

Shamans are believed to have the ability to communicate with and receive guidance from the spirit world including spirits of ancestors, animals and nature. They act as intermediaries between the human and spirit realm.

Shamanism can include various healing methods. Energy clearing and cleansing practices are extensive and thorough. Rituals and ceremonies are often part of their work as are soul retrievals. Shamanic journeys can help us access the higher knowledge that is present in the universe, and also become more in tune with the power of Mother Nature and the world around us.

Shamanic journeys are powerful tools for self discovery, healing and connection with the spiritual realms.

We are all on a journey of some kind. If you’re struggling to listen to your own body and get in touch with your deepest thoughts and feelings, then shamanism could be your key to unlocking this hidden potential. It can teach you to trust your feelings and choices, and get more connected with your intuition.

Journeying allows us access non-ordinary reality, a source of profound healing and transformation.

Accessing non-ordinary reality can help in transcending the ego’s grip on our perception. This can result in an expanded awareness, interconnectedness and unity with the universe.

Are you on the journey you want to be on?

It’s time to tap into ancient wisdom for soul growth. We must acknowledge and accept the unseen realm as a source of information and support. Take a closer look at the wisdom that lives on in indigenous cultures in every area of their existence.

Journey beyond your ordinary, waking reality.

Client Comments:

+ In life’s difficult times

With great warmth and without judgment, Suzanne has carefully guided me through my deepest and most vulnerable thoughts and emotions. We have worked with heart, spirit and mind for me to gain a better understanding of my own self. We have also worked to uncover gifts and talents I hadn’t yet fully realized. I’ve found profound depth and meaning in parts of my life that were once unclear. If you’ve got an open mind and an open heart, Suzanne can offer a path and process for self healing and overall improvement and satisfaction in Life’s difficult times. — Steven O.

+ I feel sooooo much better

Some of the insights Suzanne has can seem otherwordly in their precision and accuracy! I find myself asking "how does she know that?" And the way she helped me apply it has created a lot more ease in my life! Rebecca M.

+ Energy overhaul

I was feeling incredibly stuck when I came to see Suzanne. The change is astounding! Don't hesitate if you're feeling off. — Meghan P.

Frequent Questions:

+ What are shamans?

They are people who are very in touch with the natural world and live close to the earth. They are often healers and can travel into unseen realms to get information or take care of other tasks.

+ What is a journey?

Journeys are kind of like guided meditations. They can be used as purposeful choices to explore certain aspects of yourself.

+ How can shamanism help me?

In a very broad way, being in a more conscious relationship with the earth is always going to be helpful to you and the planet. Following the cycles of mother nature helps create more balance and harmony. But it depends on your needs or goals.

+ Why would I call on a shaman?

To support you in becoming more conscious or for support handing a wide range of things from clearing disruptive energies to traveling into the unseen realms to get information or handle something in the underworld and everything in between.