Becoming Ganga Blog

Yoga, Ayurveda Suzanne Goldston Yoga, Ayurveda Suzanne Goldston

Water: Elixir of Life

There’s an over abundance of talk about self care these days which to me is kind of silly. I mean, yes, you have to take care of yourself! That seems obvious to me. I look at things a little differently. I see these routines as self love and self knowledge.

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Ayurveda, Yoga, Breathwork Suzanne Goldston Ayurveda, Yoga, Breathwork Suzanne Goldston

Understanding Vata, Pitta and Kapha

How can we better understand how the food we eat interacts with the elements that make up our body? And why would we benefit from that understanding? Ayurveda is a science of life and longevity that uses an understanding of these elements and interactions to create balance and harmony in the system. I’m pretty sure we would all like more balance and harmony.

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