Perfect Timing

I spent last weekend going through boxes of old pictures. It was a long walk down memory lane. And considering that I could insert the word karma for the word memory, it was and is an ongoing profound and cathartic experience. What it has revealed so far has been truly exquisite. Naturally and quietly, the energies of the Lions Gate portal had been nudging the whole thing along. What is the Lions Gate portal? In August, the 8th month, on the 8th day there is an alignment of the sun in its home sign of Leo with the star Sirius, the second brightest star, rising in the sky. In addition, this year it also coincided with the new moon. But the alignment of the sun with the rising of the star Sirius was considered a significant event in many ancient cultures including Egypt, Sumer and the Dogon tribe of Africa.  All this also perfectly aligns with the constellation of Orion and the pyramids of Giza. Eight is the number of infinity. I am the 8 of hearts. So all these energies were and are contributing factors to the exquisite dance of memory, karma, growth, awakening and more that is still unfolding. While they may not know any of these things, more than you can imagine are also in their own process, drama, trauma, situation, crisis, whatever you want to call it, that these energies have been stirring up.

Sometimes we are in a hurry for things to complete. But the truth is it can take many years for certain cycles to come to their natural completion. One example of a longer cycle is the cycle of the Sun which is 12.25 to12.50 years. Certainly the sun plays a pivotal role in our life and solar system and if it doesn’t come up, it 18 hours, we will die so to say that it affects us is a bit of an understatement. Most of the food you eat, hopefully, needs sunlight to grow! Traditional societies had an awareness of the stages of life and the accompanying set of challenges and lessons that support our maturity and growth in those  cycles. Many believed if you lived to be 70 years old, you would go through ten, seven year cycles. On the other hand, the moon's cycle is about 28 days, the same as a woman’s menstrual cycle. You get the idea. As much as we may wish for something to hurry up and get over, like covid, it’s sometimes part of a greater cycle and can’t be hurried along very much at all. So you might as well relax into it and figure out what opportunities there are for you to grow and learn more about the life that is YOU! Is there anything more important than that, really?? But we resist these kinds of deeper inquiries into why we are the way we are and how to break free from the psychological nonsense that is mostly based in likes and dislikes and compulsions of all kinds. 

Going through the picture boxes and looking at my life was a very intriguing process. On some level what I was doing was unpacking my life. Does that make sense? At first I was looking at the pictures with a particular filter if you will. But with time, the filter changed and eventually I hope it will be lifted entirely so that I can see things just as they are. Being able to see things as they are is a vital skill that we don’t have much training in developing. I’m practicing as much as I can. And it’s fascinating what I’m learning about myself and my own version of nonsense that I ultimately created and am a “victim” of if you will! Isn’t that just too rich? The best part though, is that I can more consciously create what I really want now. And I’m doing just that. A lot of plans are being made and energies are being cultivated as the manifestation process is for sure, underway. I’m sure you will hear a lot about it if you stay tuned! It’s my wish that you will find something of value in what I share about my journey. I know we all have our own unique journeys but I hope there might be a bit of something that’s useful for you in your process.

I saw a lot in those pictures and I learned a lot about myself. As I said, it has been a cathartic experience that I’m grateful for. Once I adjusted that filter, I was able to see very happy people enjoying their lives with family and friends! Even as I walked this evening, another realization occurred. I’m willing to take whatever time is needed to unpack this most beautiful part of my life.


According to the Wall Street Journal, energy healers are the new home repair pros - who knew?!!


Karma, Memory and Evolution