Sitting in the All Inclusive Truth

I’ve gotten numerous messages from my guides to practice automatic writing. So here goes. Today I want to talk about truth. The truth is a big deal right? We all want the truth from others, from institutions, from authorities, from those we elect, from our spouse, friends, family, workplace and more. Truth is essential. Without it, trust is lost. And when trust is lost, well at least for me, not much is left. I worked with a woman once who had a very loose relationship with the truth. She understood some things about manifestation and felt that she had to believe she already had whatever she was trying to manifest with every fiber of her being for it to happen. The challenge came in when she had to face the reality that she actually did not have whatever it was, at least not yet, and needed to continue to repeat the successful actions that were moving her in the direction of what she wanted. I don’t think she was purposefully trying to be dishonest. She had so thoroughly convinced herself she was not able to see things the way they really were. This is a problem any of us can have from time to time. The eyes have memory and see things a certain way. But that might not be the way things really are. So confusion is naturally created. The practice of seeing things as they truly are is a powerful one and one that takes much practice and attention. Life is about attention ultimately. The closer attention we are paying to life, the more we will get out of it and the more pleasant it will be. Many of us are focused on some goal we want to achieve but often when that is reached, it no longer has the value it had to begin with and is forgotten or replaced with the next goal. If truth is a goal for you, you can always start by just being completely honest with yourself. This is not as easy as it sounds. We play all kinds of games with ourselves. You could call that self deception and we all do it. I’ve played many games with myself over the years. For instance, we’ve all told ourselves certain things don’t matter to us, usually things we don't have. But inside, we want them. Being deeply honest with ourselves is a key practice in creating a pleasant life. Becoming aware of these kinds of untruths we may have requires us to pay closer attention to our life and what’s going on inside us. All life is taking place inside you. Everything that has happened to you has taken place inside you. Think about that. 

Another place that truth is important is in what we say. As Don Miguel Ruiz says in the Four Agreements, you must be impeccable with your words. Being impeccable means free from fault or blame. That means you are not finding fault with or blaming others with whatever you are saying in addition to telling the truth. Amma always says God will never dwell in a fault finding heart. That really stuck with me. I know I have spent a lot of time finding fault with others. I have a lot of company in that area. There is an energy that goes along with fault finding that is distinctly different from telling someone something you think they need to hear but may not like. I can have a way of being very direct when needed. And also when not needed and even though I have learned from each and every situation in which I thought I needed to be direct and was not well received, I'm not sure I'm done with that opportunity yet no matter how much I want to be. It's a fine line to walk especially with friends who are also clients. This is a tricky place to be in and I’ve come to the conclusion that allowing those lines to get blurry is a mistake. Not only do I love what I get to do but I love people. I’ve learned that detachment is a key practice with each and every person I see. Sometimes I want something more than they do! And that usually doesn’t work out that well. I’ve had countless opportunities in this area, some of them quite painful. Some people have called me a truth teller and I have at times called myself that but it can be a thankless job if it’s not handled properly. You can easily offend or alienate people you are trying to help who are not ready for the truth as you see it or have a totally different truth they are not yet willing to release. The same woman I spoke about earlier who had a loose relationship with the truth used to regularly see me for energy work and ginger compresses. These are hot wet compresses that are good for the kidneys, bladder and reproductive area along with low back pain. She never, not once, left enough time after her service to talk to me for more than 5 minutes. Her level of interest in the messages from the unseen realms including her guides and the angels were not given any attention. I’m not going to force you to listen but make no mistake, many things are shared during a session. And certainly some may be hard to hear but I have no reason to make anything up. Often, we may know what is shared on a very deep unconscious level and may have been suppressing or ignoring it for some time for whatever reason. It’s hard as a therapist to see and know things that will help your client that they are either not interested in hearing or don’t believe and aren’t willing to acknowledge or change. I used to refrain from sharing information with clients I thought or even knew may not be able to hear the messages but I have no right to do that. These messages were shared with me in order to be shared with them. I ask that the information that will most support a client come through in a session or reading. To not share it is to obstruct the flow of information from the unseen realms that I connect with all the time. It’s a skill and practice that anyone can have. The trick is to keep your own opinions out of it. Ultimately, if your intention is pure, you can’t be attached to how people receive the messages or information. After many years of doing this work, I know what is happening in a session on my end. And to the best of my ability, I share that information with the person receiving the session without attachment. It's not always easy but I’m committed to the process that we both agreed to be in together. And that’s part of it.

In the yoga sutras which is a collection of aphorisms or rules, called sutras, on the theory and practice of yoga, you will find the yamas and niyamas. An aphorism is a terse saying embodying a general truth. The yamas and niyamas are observances and restraints kind of like the 10 commandments. The second of the 5 yamas or restraints, is satya, loosely translated as truthfulness. Sat means that which exists, that which is. So satya can be translated as seeing and communicating things as they actually are, not as we wish them to be. We’ve already talked about the eyes having memory and not seeing things clearly. This Is connected to that. Many people bend the truth for many reasons. Some bend the truth to avoid looking bad or admitting they did something wrong, or taking responsibility for something that didn’t go the way they wanted or thought. That’s all kind of the same thing to me. None of them are good reasons to be less than truthful. I do agree there are certainly times when telling an untruth might be ok but I think we can all agree that we want to hear the truth from others. And if that truth has the potential to harm, it must be delivered very carefully or not at all.

The real truth I want to talk about is what is called the ultimate truth by Sadhguru. He says it is not within the words you speak but in the life within you. If you simply sit, including everything, all inclusive, you are in touch with truth. The nature of existence is that it is all inclusive. When the sun rises, it shines on everyone, it excludes no one, no matter what they believe or disbelieve, it leaves no one out.  Who you are, what you are doing or thinking it doesn’t discriminate. The essential nature of life is all inclusive. There is no discrimination. This is the truth. If you have become prejudiced with exclusiveness, this is untruth. It’s not in the words you speak but in the way you are. You being in a pleasant state of experience is a key ingredient for this all inclusive truth to become your reality. If you manage to become joyful in yourself, this lets you know your brain is functioning. Have you ever noticed that when you are happy, solutions are discovered and when you are unhappy you create problems? If you are in pursuit of happiness you are encumbered with all kinds of compulsions. If you are joyful you are not encumbered by anything. From there you can look at things just the way they are. Only if you see things just the way they are, not from a prejudiced mind, will you be able to come up with solutions to whatever arises in your life. Sadhguru says truth is not something you invent, truth is something you realize. 

That truth concludes this post.


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