Get In The Flow with the Water Element

My last blog was about the earth element so I wanted to give the water element equal time. The elements permeate everything! Including your astrology or natal birth chart as it is also called. Each sign is associated with one of the elements earth, fire, water, or air. So for instance, I’m a Scorpio which is a water sign. I have my sun in Scorpio and my rising sign is also Scorpio so I got a double dose this lifetime! No escaping the scorpio experience for me this time around! Scorpio is a fixed water sign. Fixed means it doesn’t change easily. You are also be a fixed, mutable or cardinal sign along with your element. For instance Virgo is a mutable earth sign. That’s the end of our astrology lesson today. Let’s shift gears back to the element of water.

While growing up, our family always vacationed at least one week at the beach every year. I loved the beach but my little fair skinned body did not. Regardless I was determined to to get a tan every year anyway and got more than one sunburn as a result. But I remember thinking I’m going to live at the beach when I grow up. And I’ve been here in Charleston for 30+ years! I do love it here in so many ways and having the big water as I call it, nearby is surely one of the reasons why. 

For many years I had a route that I walked that mostly had a wide open view of the water. I spent a lot of time at the beach and of course we all know how wonderful a walk on the beach is. I’ve also spent a lot of time on the water boating and exploring with friends and I am determined to have my own little boat at some point. After all my spiritual name, Ganga, means river goddess. Any righteous river goddess needs a boat, right? So clearly, water energy is a force I am attracted to on many levels. 

Water is often associated with emotion and I am certainly a sensitive human in many ways. Water is also associated with the moon. Our moon sign has to do with our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions and our unconscious. Sounds deep and juicy to me. I am about as deep as they come. For some, the moon seems to drive the personality more than the sun but either way, it is a pivotal energy in everyone’s experience. 

If I’m struggling with a situation or need to clear my head or just get away, I go and sit by the water. Every single time, I leave with more clarity, more peace and a broader view of whatever I came there to figure out. 

Another word I associate with water is flow. If water isn't flowing of course it’s stagnant and we’ve all felt that way from time to time. We may have a project or idea that is stuck in some way. Or if I get stuck with a particular idea and want to shift it, same thing, I go and sit and look at the water. It is in constant motion gently adjusting to what it encounters automatically.

Certainly I’ve been in a few hurricanes and there was nothing gentle about the water energy in those situations but I think you know what I mean. 

Cleansing is another word that comes to mind for me when it comes to the water element. What do we use to cleanse ourselves every day? How good does a shower feel when you're dirty or even when you aren’t? Or a hot bath with fragrant oils? I rarely go to bed without taking a shower. It’s a very good practice to have. Washing off the day makes for a better nights sleep. Of course we all know that water is the main element in our body. We are 70% water. This doesn’t mean drink gallons of water despite what some people say. I watch people gulp down huge amounts of water their body is not able to process properly. I’m working with a client right now to reset her water drinking habits. She thought she was doing the right thing chugging water but as we have shifted her away from that and started to clear the excess water energy her body was holding as a result, she is thrilled with the results. 

Unfortunately, the water element is our most challenged element right now which ungodly amounts of trash being dumped and buried in it along with nuclear waste. And lets not forget the animal waste that filters down into our water from the massive amounts that are created with the animal farming that is a widespread practice in many areas. 

My relationship with water has been changing lately and it feels good. Im looking at it more as a source of nourishment like food and I make sure I start my day off with plenty. I hope you do too. It’s a very healthy habit to let your body know you are going to start the day off with plenty of water!


Fire It Up!


Building Stability with the Earth Element