Building Stability with the Earth Element

I want to talk about the energy of the element of earth. It can be the hardest one for many to “feel” because we have been vibrating with the earth element since we were in the womb. So, it’s an energy we know very well and are very used to which can make it easier for us to be less aware of it because it’s always there. I hope that makes sense.

In my birth chart, I have a lot of planets in earth signs which can mean that I have many opportunities to learn about this element and it’s expression in my existence. Before I knew that Scorpio was a water sign, I thought it was an Earth sign because the scorpion lived and walked on the earth. I didn’t know the first thing about the elements at that time but maybe my soul knew that I would be learning a lot about earth and was preparing me who knows? I like to think about the world working that way. And there’s no doubt that we are living in a vast interconnected web of cycles so for me there’s every reason to think it does!

There is an abundance of talk about grounding these days and that’s the first thing people say when I ask them what they know about the earth energy but it is so much more. Think soil. On your feet and hands. Every day. My primary relationship with earth is around my physical structure. I’m sure the fact that I broke my back has something to do with that but I’ve always had a sense on the yoga mat of how my physical structure was being activated and at times, shifted through my asana practice. I have a keen eye for structural issues in students and just people in general. And addressing those kinds of fundamental issues are some of my favorite things to do but it takes time, patience and a very consistent practice to reset some of those type patterns. But it can happen. I am proof of that myself. My accident literally displaced my whole right side all the way down to my foot. A bone in my foot began to protrude and of course it didn’t feel so good to walk like I have done my whole life. I’ve always been a big walker and I still love walking. Now I am truly enjoying it again as my foot has almost completely realigned along with my whole right side. It has not been a comfortable process. In fact far from it but I stayed the course and trusted what my body was telling me. I kept my practice relatively simple and focused more on how I was supporting the pose and this has played a huge part. Support is another word I like to use when I’m talking about the earth energy. The knot or bump in my mid back where the brunt of the accident impact was taken has undergone a big change as well. Excellent chiropractic care played an important role in that along but expert massage therapy which has been a staple for me for many years.

So structure and support are two of my favorite words to describe how I experience the energy of earth. Another is stability. Who doesn’t want stability? Stability in the body, in our work, in our relationships, in our mind in our heart and the list goes on. I have a new stability in my body that I can not only feel but access. There was a period of time when I could not feel my right side. I went to an acupuncturist for help with the bone on my foot and told him one day about my right side. He put in one of the most painful needles ever, in my ear. Woah! But I still didn’t know I had broken my back then so I was still trying to figure out what had happened to my body. It’s really interesting looking back at it now. 

Another key word for earth is solid. I like solid decisions, solid foundations, and solid relationships. I think we all do. If we are lacking in any way in any of those areas, connecting with some earth energy can be helpful.  I have some great tools I use when I feel like I need support, stability, more structure or a solid answer. There have been some very high frequency, fast energies that throw us off. We might even call them anxiety but I call it high energy. Feel the difference between those two words. I have anxiety. I have high energy. Which do you want? Anxiety comes with a mountain of heavy energy and confusion and shame. High energy doesn’t. So I call it high energy. The point is to learn how to manage or integrate high energies. We may also have times that we need to offload unwanted energies.  So lets do that together now. 

If you can, sit on the floor. If you can’t, have both feet on the floor. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Locate your sitting bones, the bony protrusions in your seat, and as you exhale, release anything the body is ready to release. You don’t have to know what it is. You can just invite it to recycled and give it to the earth. If there is something specific you want to release or clear, exhale it out. Send out thoughts too. If you’re sitting on the floor, put both hands on the floor and release through the hands also. This is an easy way to release and clear energies of all kinds. You know when you just don’t feel like yourself or you have a disagreement with your sweetie or a challenging exchange at work or out in public. It’s good to clear that kind of stuff. I make a point of it. There are many ways. This is simple, easy and effective for lots of situations. 

This body is simply on loan from the earth. Remember that. One day the loan will be repaid in full.


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